Dear all

The Hospital Transformation Program (HTP) has had the business case approved and the building changes have started. The outcome is one Hospital on two sites with Shrewsbury being the Accident & Emergency and Trauma site and Telford the ‘Elective’ site.

Our Executive Board has become aware that Shropshire and Welsh patients will increasingly be referred to either site for any treatment required.

The “Friends of Princess Royal Hospital” no longer exists. We are aware that services like ENT are now primarily based at Telford. We have in fact funded some equipment for this
specialty. For example, an Audiology state-of-the-art Balance Diagnostic equipment (£28K) and a Nasal Camera system (£78k) since no such service is available at Shrewsbury.
The Board has approved our current name to be updated to “The League of Friends of The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital. Also, our Constitution amended to reflect this change with
approval by our Executive Board of Trustees. We are negotiating for an Office at Telford Hospital so that monies can also be raised again within the Telford and Wrekin areas.
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) has been arranged for the 9th September 2024 to ratify the changes proposed. The meeting will be held at 15:45 at the Hamar centre within the
Shrewsbury Hospital site.

You are welcome to attend if you wish however, please let our Organising Secretary Sue Hurdiss know either by telephone 01743 261007or email: Otherwise, written comments to be sent by the 4th of September. The updated documents will be available to download from our website – via the ‘News and Events’ Tab.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Assuming agreement to this change then the Charity Commission will formally be notified for final acceptance with their website being updated to reflect.

Yours sincerely
Richard Steventon

Chairman – Executive Board Member

Revised EGM Letter

Final League of Friends constitutional change table May 2024

Final Revision LoF Constitution May 2024