Donation of £70,700 provides much needed monitors
The League of Friends RSH have gifted £70,700 for the purchase of 14 ECG Recorder Machines and Patient Monitors. Nigel Watkinson, Medical Engineering Service Manager said “Monitors purchased for RSH by Shrewsbury League of friends, allow the hospitals frontline nursing staff to be carry out swift, reliable and accurate measurement of patient vital signs. These high quality devices have boosted [...]
£2,000 boost towards the purchase of a £1m MRI Scanner
The League of Friends Christmas Draw has raised over £2,000 with all proceeds going towards a new MRI Scanner for the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital. The new scanner will make such a huge difference to patients and help save more lives It will allow the hospital to repatriate patients from other areas back into the county so they can have their [...]
Design a poster for the League of Friends £1m MRI Appeal
Please note the competition is now closed. The Poster We are looking for an exciting and eye-catching poster design to promote our £1m MRI scanner appeal. The competition will be split into 3 age categories, [under 11], [11-16] & [17+] (The entrant’s age category will be determined by their age on the closing date, Monday 20th November ). Here are [...]
Summer Draw for MRI Scanner Raises Almost £3,000
Almost £3,000 has been raised as part of a £1 million fund for a new MRI scanner at the Trust which runs Shropshire’s acute hospitals. Ray Smith, Chairman of the League of Friends at RSH and Glen Whitehouse, Radiology Centre Manager carry out the draw. The money was raised by the League of Friends of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital (RSH) [...]